The Expanse TV series is remarkably good, especially as the books are frankly not, they are not bad just very derivative. In fact you can safely skip them and watch the series which frankly won't have one disappointing episode! The best SF on TV currently, and up their with classics like BSG, DS9 and others, although kind of the ugly duckling of the bunch.
It's hard not to love The Expanse and it's indeed a shame we don't get more high quality sci-fi series. Foundation is... interesting, though, so far, it's got exceedingly little to do with Asimov's stories.
I wonder what the economics of The Expanse were and what it was doing/not doing for Prime. I mean, I'm never going to cancel my subscription regardless of what they stream/don't stream but I'm willing to admit that Amazon picking up the title and continuing with high quality seasons got them a fair bit of goodwill from me. I'll overlook a few cases of warehouse workers abuse thanks to that...
30 years jump or big time jumps CAN work (see Foundation!) but they do need to be handled delicately when the plot/the book(s) was in no small part character driven... Losing favorite characters basically force you to reconsider your investment in the (continuing) story...
The Expanse TV series is remarkably good, especially as the books are frankly not, they are not bad just very derivative. In fact you can safely skip them and watch the series which frankly won't have one disappointing episode! The best SF on TV currently, and up their with classics like BSG, DS9 and others, although kind of the ugly duckling of the bunch.
It's hard not to love The Expanse and it's indeed a shame we don't get more high quality sci-fi series. Foundation is... interesting, though, so far, it's got exceedingly little to do with Asimov's stories.
I wonder what the economics of The Expanse were and what it was doing/not doing for Prime. I mean, I'm never going to cancel my subscription regardless of what they stream/don't stream but I'm willing to admit that Amazon picking up the title and continuing with high quality seasons got them a fair bit of goodwill from me. I'll overlook a few cases of warehouse workers abuse thanks to that...
30 years jump or big time jumps CAN work (see Foundation!) but they do need to be handled delicately when the plot/the book(s) was in no small part character driven... Losing favorite characters basically force you to reconsider your investment in the (continuing) story...