Nothing to do with deadlines but I really like these little paragraphs/wrap up before the "subscribe" button... Keep 'em coming!

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Where I worked, missing a deadline meant our customer wouldn't hire us for their next project. Which meant we had to lay off some of our guys. Did that always happen? No. But sometimes. No fun for anyone.

That aside, if the assignment is to turn in the problem set or paper on a given date, I think it's just disrespectful to the teacher/professor to turn it in late.

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I actually said in the piece (and Berube does in his) that there are people who need deadlines. But there are also people who don't benefit from them so much, or where enforcing a single strict deadline on everyone for the sake of those who need them is harming some other subset of students. What I really don't want to do is use a myth (that the world runs on strict deadlines and that we have to train everyone to follow deadline discipline or they'll fail utterly) to justify whatever policies we all adopt.

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I probably could've made that clearer, but I was running up against a deadline (heh) in the form of a scheduled Zoom meeting. Both you and Berube do mention people who need deadlines, but you also both hedge it in a way that reads to me as skeptical nonetheless-- referring to "People who feel that they need hard deadlines" (or the like), as if it might be a mistaken belief, and they would actually be fine without. My point was that from my personal experience, it is absolutely unquestionable that if I'm not given some kind of deadline, I don't buckle down and do the work. Even when I am, I frequently find myself coming hard up against the deadline before I really make progress, but "Get it done whenever you like" is virtually guaranteed to be an absolute disaster.

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